

发布人:   发布时间:2024-04-09 14:41:31


You can choose to install a sealed valve at the smoke outlet at home, so that under the joint action of the hood valve and the sealed valve, it can prevent the backflow of oil fumes. However, it should be noted that installing a sealed valve can only be used in situations where backflow is not particularly severe. This is because the oil fume in the home will first pass through the secondary flue, and then enter the main flue through the holes on the grid. This design is to ensure that the oil fume in each household can be isolated. If the secondary flue is directly connected to the main flue in the home, it may cause smoke or backflow due to low pressure.



If the phenomenon of oil fume backflow is quite serious, it is best to install a better quality check valve at home. A good check valve works by allowing the smoke to flow upwards instead of downwards after passing through the control valve.


In general, the check valve effect of the range hood is not particularly obvious, but installing a check valve in the flue can protect the range hood, so that the smoke in the flue will not backflow into the pipeline and the range hood.

建议大家选择的时候,一定要尽量选择大,这样售后服务有保障,并且请的装修工人也一定要经验丰富的,这样入住之后才能够住得舒心,并且减少后续一些不必要的维 修。一旦发现家里的抽油烟机有油烟倒灌的现象,要及时请人来家里排查。

It is recommended that when choosing, everyone should try to choose a large brand as much as possible, so that after-sales service is guaranteed, and the decoration workers hired must also be experienced, so that they can live comfortably after moving in and reduce unnecessary repairs in the future. Once it is discovered that the range hood at home has backflow of oil fumes, it is necessary to promptly invite someone to come to the house for investigation.


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